Frequently asked questions

I got booted. Now what?
I got booted. Now what?
Please call to have an employee come to remove the boot. Proper payment will be required at this time.
My access card won't swipe.
If you have not submitted payment for the month, please do so and your card will return to normal function within 24-48 hours.
If your payments are up to date and the card is broken, please call the office using the callbox at the gate and you will be issued a new card.
My access card won't swipe.
There's a notice of violation on my window
There's a notice of violation on my window
Please follow the instructions on the card (submit payment, adjust parking, enter vehicle information, hang tag on mirror) once the issue has been adjusted, no further action is required.

Is there a waitlist to get into lots?
Is there a waitlist to get into lots?
Some locations have waitlists. Please call or email us to inquire about a specific destination.

How is the mobile app payment enforced?
How is the mobile app payment enforced?
Our employees are equipped with mobile devices that have access to the list of license plates that have utilized mobile payments in real-time to monitor lots.
Can I still pay using the box?
Can I still pay using the box?
Absolutely! If you wish to put cash in the envelope and deposit it in the security box, you are still welcome to do so. We want our lots to be accessible to all.
How much is parking?
How much is parking?
Per and subject to change:
Passenger Vehicles: $15.00 per vehicle
Accessible Parking for Guests With Disabilities - $15.00 per vehicle
Limousines - $60.00
Buses - $90.00
R/V Parking - $90.00, no hookups or services
I don't have cash on me!
I don't have cash on me!
(Amphitheater events do not utilize the EZ Pass payment system at this time.)
Can I tailgate?
Can I tailgate?
Tailgating is prohibited.
Is there an ADA section?
Is there an ADA section?
Yes! Our attendants will direct you there when they see your ADA designation.